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Writer's picture: Christopher TwrdyChristopher Twrdy

Shortly in advance:

If your child is very sniffed, coughs heavily (until vomiting), struggles for breath and may no longer want to drink, you should definitely have this clarified by a doctor. It could be an RSV infection.

If you do not get an appointment with a pediatrician, go to a hospital.

Respiratory syncytial viruses

The RS virus is by no means a new virus. The respiratory virus causes flu infections and has always been around.

People of all ages can become infected, but infants are most at risk, esp. in the first weeks and months.

The exceptionally high number of young patients is partly due to a weakened immune system, due to the hygiene measures of the past pandemic years.

In addition, antibodies from the mother are usually passed on to the baby via the umbilical cord. However, since fewer infections have generally taken place due to the corona measures, many newborns lack antibodies against various infectious diseases.

(Though it must be noted, that these measures were necessary at that time!)

Furthermore it has been shown that after a Covid infection, the immune system is weakened for up to four weeks, which in turn favors other viral infections.

RSV vs. Influenza

The clinical symptoms of RSV infection are severe cold with clear nasal secretions, severe and persistent, slimy cough and rarely fever. Due to the narrowing of the respiratory tract, patients also drink less and less. In severe cases, shortness of breath occurs.

Flu infections or Influenza infections are mainly manifested by sudden (severe) fever, headache, sore throat and limb pain, as well as runny nose and cough.

As you know, there are vaccinations against influenza, but none against RS viruses, at least they're not permanently effective yet. There is a passive vaccination of antibodies that protects directly and only temporarily. However, this is mainly administered to children with an increased risk of severe courses.

Children with severe courses of RSV infection are treated with infusions in hospitals and, if necessary, ventilated.

At the moment, it is recommended to avoid larger crowds, especially with small children.



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